Case Study: Rollcall


Client Overview

Born during the challenging times of the COVID-19 pandemic, Rollcall emerged with the vision of simplifying the management of remote international teams. With a commitment to enhancing communication and collaboration, Rollcall set out to create a platform that addressed the unique challenges of leading distributed teams.

Project Scope

Rollcall aimed to streamline remote team management by providing a comprehensive solution for asynchronous standups, task tracking, and integration with popular project management tools like Jira. The goal was to facilitate efficient communication and collaboration among team members, regardless of their geographical locations.

Our Solution

Our team collaborated with Rollcall to develop a robust platform that seamlessly integrated various features to enhance remote team management, ensuring efficient communication and collaboration.

Key Features Implemented

  1. Automated Asynchronous Standups: Participants could submit standup updates through video or text, providing flexibility for team members in different time zones.
  2. Consolidated Standup Recordings: Rollcall combined individual standup recordings into a single, easily watchable video, fostering a sense of unity among team members.
  3. Weekly Highlights for Senior Management: The platform automatically generated weekly highlights from standups, offering senior management a concise overview of team progress and challenges.
  4. Project Management Tool Integrations: Seamless integrations with popular project management tools allowed team members to link standup discussions to specific tasks, allowing to have better context and collaboration.
  5. GitHub Integration: Integration with GitHub enabled direct linking to issues and pull requests, creating a centralized hub for development updates and discussions.


  1. Enhanced Communication: Rollcall significantly improved communication within remote teams, providing a structured and asynchronous format for standups that accommodated different time zones.
  2. Increased Collaboration: Project management tool integrations and GitHub links facilitated collaboration by providing a centralized platform for discussions and updates related to specific tasks and code contributions.
  3. Time and Resource Efficiency: Automated features, such as consolidated standup videos and weekly highlights, saved time for team members and senior management, allowing them to focus on strategic initiatives.
  4. Unified Team Experience: The platform contributed to a more cohesive team experience by combining individual contributions into a collective standup video, fostering a sense of unity and shared progress.

  • Client:Rollcall
  • Location:Canada
  • Type:Custom Software Development, Web Development
  • Technologies:Node, React, AWS, SQL, FFMPEG
  • Completed:2021

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